Press Release
Framatome expands cybersecurity offering with Cyberwatch acquisition
June 7, 2022 – Framatome today announced the acquisition of Cyberwatch, a team of experts in vulnerability management and compliance control....
Framatome to provide cybersecurity services for a nuclear facility safety technology project
October 5, 2021 – Framatome recently signed a contract with RWE Nuclear GmbH to provide consulting and support services for the development of...
Framatome extends U.S.-based FoxGuard Solutions for the European market
September 7, 2021 – Framatome today announced the extension of its U.S.-based FoxGuard Solutions at the International Cybersecurity Forum in...
Framatome acquires FoxGuard Solutions, a leader in cybersecurity and industrial computing
Framatome announces the acquisition of FoxGuard Solutions, a U.S. company dedicated to the field of...
Press contacts
The press relations team is able to respond only to press and media inquiries.
Anne-Laure Meynial Coumaros
Senior Vice President Communications
Sharon Sinclair
Media Relations